Politics and Education abolish the lot!

Politics and Education abolish the lot!

Bury Bob’s Medicated Musings

As I sit in my mental haze filled funk the rest of us call life, sometimes the important issues surrounding society permeate my protective fog of apathy.

So I’m gonna let you in on how the mad mind sees sensible solutions to society’s situations.

kids covered in paintEDUCATION

Stop this immediately. Kids at home are beautiful young things that giggle & look cute with faces full of chocolate cream & hope.

School introduces then to smoking, alcohol, drugs, wagging off (bunking off for our Southern friends), sexually charged situations whilst still legally underage, peer pressure, conformity, incarceration & parents evening.

POLITICSmayor quimby
Mystifying, stupefying decisions expounded daily from a large fairy tale castle frequented by those who have been privileged enough never to have to inhabit the world they govern.
They wage war on nations they’ve been funding with charity donations for years, they spend billions on weapons we can never dare use, they go through rent boys & prostitutes like beavers go through toothbrushes, and they create the illusion of choice by threatening us with referendums.


We do get one day off every four years when they hijack schools to become polling stations. If we followed my previous plan of abolishing education, we could have daily elections, which may well kill Peter Snow & his swingometer. Never a bad thing.

(Tune in next time for the next chapter of MedOp by Burybob)

Don’t forget to check out my videos at www.burybob.com

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